Saturday, April 14, 2007

सर्वाधिक सेक्सी शरीर

महिलाहरुको प्रख्यात ग्ल्यामर म्यागेजिन वुमेनले विश्वका कुन चाहिँ महिलाको शरीर सेक्सी देखिन्छ भन्ने विषयमा एउटा सर्भेक्षण गरेको थियो। ५ हजार पाठकहरुले भाग लिएको यो सर्भेक्षणमा कुन महिला कति सेक्सी देखिए त ? नम्बर ४ मा रहेकी छिन् अभिनेत्री जेनिफर एनिस्टन


Celebrating Dasain and Tihar in Nepal after a long time was good. Now I am back in Africa to continue my journey around the world. The concluding days of my trip to Nepal was dotted with farewell dinners hosted by Education Sansar and my family members. I was taking an evening flight of Qatar Airways to Qatar from where I would be traveling to Africa to continue my journey. Delayed by twenty minutes the flight was almost packed with fellow Nepalis flying out for better career opportunities to the Middle East. After a smooth takeoff, the 'fasten your seat belt' sign went off, this was followed by a pretty airhostess approaching us with a tray of chocolates. Sitting besides me was a young Nepali bhai, who seemed to have mistaken the chocolates for popcorn. He grabbed a fistful to the surprise of the airhostess. May be she wasn't use to such behavior. I, on the other hand, no longer had a taste for the sweets.
But it wasn't always like that. One of my school memories is that of going to celebrate the royal couple's birthday in the district capital. All the students were told to be dressed neatly and be present at the celebration program. After the jubilations we were returning home and had no money to buy chocolates or toffee. So to kill time and make the journey back home easy, my friend and I started to collect chocolate wrappers from the street. By the time we got home we had plenty and we used them as money in our game of marbles.
But the children in many remote villages these days no longer get to enjoy such sweets, as the commence of democracy in 1990 made such celebrations optional.
Moving away from the fond memories I turned my attention to my flight partner. "Where are you from," I asked him. He hailed from the far East and was flying off to Middle East on a loan. First time in a plane, my friend here had never been to Kathmandu. All excited about his new job as a security guard in Qatar, he flaunted his two years contract of safe guarding someone else's property. "I am going to be earning Rs 15000 per month approximately," he boasted. As he chewed on his chocolate and told me about his future life, the stewardess approached asking us about our preferred drinks.
I asked for a glass of wine and he drank beer, solely because he didn't know what wine tasted like. "He will know later," I thought to myself. Drinks were followed by dinner which was scrumptious. Since he didn't speak any English, he asked me to ask the flight attendant for another dinner set for him. And I did.
Uhi Saikale.


- “Beauty with brains” may seem very clichéd, but after our encounter with this beauty, we could not help but conclude that she had just the right combination of the two. Tall, smart, sassy, 23-year-old newly crowned Miss Nepal Sitashma Chand is the face of today’s confident Nepali woman.
In an exclusive interview with Nepal’s number one news website, eKantipur, Sitashma talks to Sudha Regmi and Anshu Karki. Excerpts:
Q. How did you feel on winning the crown? What did you think your chances were?
Sitashma Chand: Of course I feel very happy and proud. As for the chances, everyone was there to win. Although in the beginning I thought I had a strong chance, but as the grooming sessions began everyone was a threat to everyone else.
Q. There were 19 other equally beautiful and talented young women around you, what do you think made you stand out?
Sitashma: I was confident but not overly so. I am a very hard-working person and also a fast learner. I think these traits helped me get an edge over the others.
Q. Why did you choose to participate? In Nepal, the former Miss Nepal’s have not really made a mark, so were you inspired by any of them?
Sitashma: I did not dream of becoming a Miss Nepal since my childhood or anything like that. It’s just that as I grew up I saw this as an opportunity to explore my inner abilities. I was inspired by other Miss Nepals like Ruby Rana, Shweta Singh and Malvika Subba.
Q. What are your future plans? You must already be getting endorsement offers.
Sitashma: No, not yet it’s just been a few days since I won the title. As for my future plans, I have to prepare for Miss World but its venue and date have not been fixed yet. Alongside that I plan to fulfill whatever responsibilities that come my way as Miss Nepal. I also want to work with organizations related to social causes. I am inclined towards women and children’s causes but I have not chosen any particular organization as I have yet to do my research.
Q. Do you think one can make a career out of this?
Sitashma: No. Winning this title is an achievement but maintaining it is even tougher. I think I will need to plan my future and decide on a career. How can Miss Nepal just be a career. This is simply a new beginning.
Q. Do you feel sad to see that Nepal does not have much scope for beauty queens whereas in India, Bollywood and the glamour industry open their doors for their beauty queens and enable them to have a career?
Sitashma: There is no question of me being sad. You can’t live in Nepal and have dreams of India and America. I am a Miss Nepal and will have opportunities that Nepal can present to me. I knew very well what I was getting into. Q. If you get offers from Kollywood, will you say yes?
Sitashma: No. I don’t intend to join movies.
Q. Critics have slammed Miss Nepal as “Miss Urban Nepal” because of the lack of participation of girls from areas other than the Kathmandu valley, Biratnagar and Dharan. Do you think you represent the whole of Nepal and what do you think you personally can do to encourage participation from all over?Sitashma: Obviously I don’t think that I am the prettiest and the smartest girl in Nepal. There are equally talented and deserving girls in the rural areas too. There are girls who have completed their graduation and still remain in obscurity. As for encouraging others to participate, I would like to start by sending a message through eKantipur to all the girls to believe in yourself and please come forward and participate.
Q. Miss Nepal’s have never achieved anything of great significance in our country, what do you think you can do to enhance the prestige of this title?
Sitashma: I believe that to help others you have to first help yourself. I need to stand on my own feet. I haven’t laid out a roadmap or a plan as yet but I do plan to utilize this opportunity to the fullest. I cannot guarantee anything but I will try to leave a mark.
Q. Beauty pageants are just taken as a platform to showcase beauty only, the other aspects take a backseat. Do you think other features are really given that much importance in this competition?
Sitashma: Yes, it is. Because if it were not so I assure you I would not have won the title. I believe there were other participants more beautiful than me so it could not have been on the basis of my appearance only that I won.